Brazilian art director and graphic designer
currently working at Coala Music.


ICARUS: A Apoteose
BK' – Músicas de amor nunca mais
Drop Coala Music
Criolo – PGDID
Olympikus Bot do Corre [SOON]
Mandinga Minha




ICARUS: A Apoteose

Role: Concept, Art Direction and Design.
Creative Directors: Christiano Vellutini, Victor Senedesi
Visual Identity: Jordy Kuster, Hermes Miranda, Guilherme Manzi
Image Manipulation: Gabriel Pereira
Film: Kaue Akimoto
Sound Design and Mix: Chico Gregori / MOOS Audio
Photography: Pepe Rodrigues
Team: Beatriz Estevan, João Victor Pimentel, Giovanna Villefort, Olivia Bastos, Gabriel Junqueira de Andrade, Henrique Anacleto, João Falsztyn and Gabriel Viotto
Coala Music [2024]
Greek Mythology already warned about the danger of light. Icarus, drawn to the sun, flew too high until he burned his wings and fell from the sky. Two thousand years later, the legend repeats itself in the great cities. The pursuit of power and success leads us to the heavens, but the lights that attract us are the same ones that can cause our downfall.

For the release of rapper Abebe Bikila's new album, AKQA Coala.LAB presented an updated version of Icarus, where the metropolis becomes the stage for modern tragedies and the labyrinth from which we seek to fly away to escape.